Preanger Stelsel; Kisah Tentang Bisnis Kopi Belanda di Tanah Cirebon-Priangan

A.Syatori, (2020) Preanger Stelsel; Kisah Tentang Bisnis Kopi Belanda di Tanah Cirebon-Priangan. Tamaddun: Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, 8 (2). pp. 338-357. ISSN 2528-5882

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This paper provides an overview of the history of the VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) policy called the Preanger Stelsel. This policy was initiated by the VOC in 1707 in the Cirebon-Priangan region. This policy, which was often referred to as the forced coffee cultivation system, was implemented by the VOC as a sign of the strengthening of the VOC's economic domination over the Cirebon Sultanate, which began in 1681. In carrying out its policy, as the basis for its operations, the VOC implemented an economic system which it had implemented which was called the Verplichte Leverantien, namely mandatory submission at a price that was favorable to the Company. In addition, the VOC as the political ruler in charge of the subdued regents, no different from the king, felt entitled to collect part of the produce and labor from the conquered people as a periodic offering. This obligatory offering which is an annual periodic fee is called a Contingent. Unlike Verplichte Leverantien, in this Contingenten there is an element of underlying sovereign rights. Although in fact nature and legal basis are very different between Verplichte Leverantien (which is more civil law in nature) and Contingenten (which is public law), in its implementation the two mandatory submissions are difficult to distinguish, because Verplichte Leverantien sometimes runs without payment, while Contingent can occur with a reward as collection fees or collection fees. Through this policy of forced coffee cultivation, the VOC obtained tremendous profits from the Cirebon-Priangan area until the end of the 18th century. Under the influence of this system, people are deprived of their freedom to find their source of life. The VOC as the ruler took land ownership rights and claimed rights over them, by demanding peasants through the Bupatis as intermediaries. However, the farmers did not remain silent in facing this policy. In their way of doing insubordination. Among them they refuse to deposit the harvest or only part of it is their obligation. They do this by throwing the crop away or burying it to keep it from being taken to the warehouse. They avoided their obligations. There were also those who left it to middlemen who gave higher prices than the VOC.

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Item Type: Article
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah > Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam
Depositing User: H. Tohirin S.Ag
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2021 06:23
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2021 06:47

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