Items where Division is "Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > 5. Tadris Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Biologi" and Year is 2018

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Number of items: 15.


Afif Muamar, AM and M. Mabruri Faozi, MF (2018) Keluarga dan Ekonomi Kreatif di Kawasan Wisata Religi Sunan Gunung Djati. Project Report. LP2M, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Cirebon.

Anda Juanda, AJ and Ipin Aripin, (2018) Penerapan Pendekatan Klarifikasi Nilai Berbasis Nilai Islami untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Makanan di SMAN 1. Peer Review PAK Jurnal Ilmu Alam Indonesia.


Djohar Maknun, DM (2018) Developing laboratory skill assessment based on multiple competence for prospective biology teacher. International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018).

Djohar Maknun, DM (2018) The Effect of Environmental Teaching Method and The Level of Natural Intelligence on The Environmental View of The Students Behavior. WMA-Mathcomtech 2018. (In Press)

Djohar Maknun, DM (2018) SUKSES MENDIDIK ANAK DI ABAD 21. In: Sukses Mendidik Anak di Abad 21. Samudra Biru, Yogyakarta, pp. 1-114. ISBN 978-602-5610-63-9


Imanah, and Kartimi, and Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) Penerapan Atribut Asesmen Formatif Feedback pada Konsep Sistem Reproduksi untuk Membentuk Habits of Mind Siswa Kelas XI MAN 2 Kota Cirebon. Checker Similarity or Originality Jurnal Ilmu Alam(JIA).

Imanah, and Kartimi, and Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) Penerapan Atribut Asesmen Formatif Feedback pada Konsep Sistem Reproduksi untuk Membentuk Habits of Mind Siswa Kelas XI MAN 2 Kota Cirebon. Peer Review Jurnal Ilmu Alam(JIA)..


Muspiroh, Novianti and Sahrir, Dede Cahyati (2018) Panduan Praktikum Protista dan Fungi. [Teaching Resource]


Osep Priambudi, and Anda Juanda, AJ and Dewi Cahyani, (2018) Peningkatan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Melalui Pembelajaran Model Group Investigation (GI) Pada Materi Ekosistem Siswa Kelas X di MAN 3 Cirebon. Peer Review PAK Jurnal Ilmu Alam Iodonesia.


Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) " Costa Kallick's Habits of Mind dalam Kegiatan Pratikum pada Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi". Peer Review Jurnal Ilmiah EDUSAINS Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) "The Effectiveness of Boientrepreneurship Learning Using Comics on The Sub Concepts of Angiosperms foe High School Students". Peer Review Jurnal scientiae Educatia ,Tadris IPA Biologi IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.

Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) 'The Effectiveness of Formative Assessment with Understanding by Design (UbD)Stagers in Forming Habits of Mind in Prospective Teachers". Peer Review Journal of Physics Conf.Series 983. (In Press)

Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) The Effectiveness of Formative Assessment with Understanding by Design(UbD)Stages Forming Habits of Mind in Prospective Teachers. Checker Similarity Journal of Physics Conf.Series 983.

Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) "Kontribusi Asesmen formatif dalam Tahapan Understanding by Design Terhadap Pemahaman Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi". Peer Review Jurnal Bioedukatika, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Ria Yulia Gloria, (2018) "Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Komik Sains untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa Pada Konsep Sistem Ekskresi Manusia di SMA Negeri I Gegesik". Peer Review Jurnal Ilmu Alam Indonesia IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. (In Press)

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